high bar

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  1. Canadian_gym_mom

    Doing a giant on the high bar but no flyaway?

    Is there a way that my dd can incorporate a giant on the high bar but then somehow get in position to do the "pike-off" dismount? I am sure her coaches will figure it out. For gymnix she needs either an uprise (no way), a giant (she's a pro), or a flyaway (no way, she's terrified) as her...
  2. G

    A little freaked over the high bar.

    My newly level 7 gymmie wont do her cast handstands on the high bars. She was fine in level 5 but now the whole hanstand thing gives her the creeps. This is wierd because she loves them on the low bar and holds them. She doesnt even like giants on them anymore because, get this, when she reaches...
  3. K

    MAG Pull over on high bar... HELP!!!!

    Ok my first level 5 meet is in a week and i cant do a pullover by myself without my feet touching the floor. I have tried conditioning, drills, spotters you name it. I have strong enough arms I just cant get my legs over the bar! I'm really scared that I'll make my team lose if I can't do a...
  4. B

    My New High Bar Videos - Highest Rybalko and Slow Motion Cassina!

    Hello everyone, just thought you might enjoy these two new videos I shot over the summer! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDkdSvGJvW0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWK4o0Z1Ns8 Let me know what you think!
  5. G

    Jump to high bar?

    My dd has gone through a pretty big growth spurt (at least for a gymnast) and is almost about 5ft 1 in. She is level 8-9. They have moved the bars in closer as she will be competing a shootover this year. Here is the problem. When she jumps to the high bar, she ends up catching the bar and...
  6. gymmomntc2e6

    high bar kip help !

    DD had her high bar kip for months. Now that her first L5 meet is this weekend it is MIA. I think it may be her timing is off, not sure. She is making it up and at the last second it looks like she is pushing away from the bar insread of pulling in & piking over it. She says she doesn't think...
  7. JBS

    AAI moving to uneven bars with more flex...high bar too???

    AAI unveiled their plans to move to uneven bars with more flex at congress this year. Anyone know if they are also planning on a high bar with more flex?
  8. G

    high bar gymnastics

    can my high bar routine consist of 5 realease moves 1 jaeger piked, i gienger,3 tkatchev straddled ...is it allowed.... 3 of the same release moves:cool::cool::cool:
  9. B

    MAG The Healy on High Bar

    1Igtlxk4z7k Hope you enjoy this video, again let me know what you think!
  10. G

    Yamawaki on high bar

    Does anybody have any experience training this skill? I am searching for some drills or progressions ! Any help or suggestion would be greatly appreciated many thanks
  11. Geoffrey Taucer

    Body type and implications in training a Tak or Jam on high bar

    4fsFtaA_dLI In watching this video, I was struck by the gymnast's ability to reach his hands out past his toes. I have a couple of gymnasts who appear to be completely flat in a closed pike stretch, but whose arms still do not extend nearly this far past the tips of their toes. Is this...
  12. V

    Level 5/6 transition from low to high bar

    Is it acceptable for taller gymnasts to straddle their legs from low to high as they prepare for their kip? Thanks
  13. F

    Proper way to spot 5 year old on high bar?

    Hello all, I am new here and was hoping I could get an expert opinion or two. I am not a gymnast and don't know much about the sport at all, but my 5 year old takes a recreational class and loves it! Today on the high bar, though, she scared the living daylights out of me! Her instructor was...
  14. kalgymcoach

    MAG Slipper High Bar

    I am relatively new to boys gymnastic equipment. But my DS seems to slip alot even after using mag. I have coached girls for 9 years and we mag up the uneven bars, can you do that to the metal high bar? or does anyone else have any other ideas. It's a pain because when it is humid we can't do...
  15. S

    Got my jump to high bar!

    As you might know, I've usually had a terrible fear of jumping to the high bar and I've only done it a few times in my life. Well, today at the beginning of practice while we were warming up, the high bar was pretty low and it looked easy to jump, so I did it! And then when I was actually on...
  16. S

    Need Help! Jump to High Bar Again!

    I'm sorry, I've already asked this question but I still need help. I am scared to jump to the high bar. The bars are the perfect distance for me, they do not need to be moved in. I don't even know why I'm scared. I do not think about the negative things that could happen, I just get scared...
  17. S

    Jump to high bar mental block

    Hi everyone, I need some serious help. Here's the story. Last season was my first year on the team(I am in recreational optional) and they were trying to get me to jump to the high bar. I could do it when the bars were really close together, but I couldn't compete it that season because after a...
  18. Geoffrey Taucer

    Why did I ever stop doing high bar?

    So today we finally finished setting up a new pit bar, and for the first time my gym now has a men's rail over a pit. To break it in, I put on high bar grips for the first time in about six years and swung around a bit. AND IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! I can't believe I ever stopped training high bar...
  19. G

    Pirouettes on High Bar

    My dd just completed Level 8 and basically has been doing just backward giants on the high bar. What is the next progression in terms of pirouettes (1/2, full turns) on the high bar while doing giants. Do most level 9's do a 1/2 turn or full turn. Any explanation of what to expect next would be...
  20. J

    Parents FINALLY back on the high bar!

    Jess only does the low bar in her routine, USAIGC bronze the little ones all do one bar . . some older girls also only do one bar . . . anyway . . . Because she is 7 her current gym wasn't in a rush to get her on the high bar. Almost 3 months ago she was getting her squat on making the jump...