WAG Big mess before state meet this weekend:(

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Seven, I did ask about coach #3 coming. HC said they can't have DD relying on just that one coach. HC admits the line was absolutely crossed, and the trust needs to be regained
DD told me this morning she dreamt about "just going for it" with bars. But she always is more positive with me, then crumbles with the 2 coaches...sigh...

I did give her the option of missing the meet. DD looked at me like I asked her to chop off a limb!
Ali, coach #3 offered free privates and would definitely come if allowed. But HC called her and told her not to interfere in any way. I don't want this coach to get in trouble.
I get that the trust needs to be regained. But there's not enough time. And I feel like pride is trumping logic at this point. HC has always acted sort of "possessive" with my DD.
Ali, coach #3 offered free privates and would definitely come if allowed. But HC called her and told her not to interfere in any way. I don't want this coach to get in trouble.
I get that the trust needs to be regained. But there's not enough time. And I feel like pride is trumping logic at this point. HC has always acted sort of "possessive" with my DD.

Yes, pride is trumping any logic and common sense. States is not the meet to make sure she doesn't rely on HC3...

Wishing you lots of good luck tonight for a happy meet!!!!
I'd maybe send an email or text to HC about C3. Humbly acknowledge HC concern, but state that YOU feel that if HC allows C3 to come, it would show your DD that HC is willing to give her what she needs to succeed. It would be a step in the right direction to rebuild their relationship.
I think learning to trust all the coaches and not rely on just one is all well and good and a great philosophy.

Until two of the coaches act like a**es and then, I think, it's appropriate for the HC to swallow his pride and do what's best for the kid that he screwed up.
Well regardless of what happens, she might not come in last. my dd competed only 2 events this season and was frequently not last LOL Shocked us all. People do scratch - it is more common than a lot of people think. Her safety comes first.
Only advice I have is get through this without it being a big deal - they messed up, for whatever reason. She had a winning bar routine - and certainly there were things that could improve, but at her age 9.4 is great (at least in our region - 9.1 usually gets into top 3 on L7 bars....). She's at that critical L7-to L8 stage and she's at that critical heading into tweens age group. How she feels about herself and gym and coaches in general is way more important that what happens this weekend. DD spent a year trying to "not let her BHS-BHS series defeat her" so that her 9.4 on beam could maybe be a 9.5.....and even with a kind coach that type of scrutiny was terrible. Her issues started as vestibular, but the coaching mess up still led to a focus on the issue instead of the kid.

L7 bars would be fun to win....but that's about it. Doesn't count an iota in the big picture (she's already proficient at them, so what happens this weekend is "just for fun"). DD has 4 medals from L7 state last year - including AA. She still can't get herself to feel good enough about herself to run her L8 routines (which like your DD she mostly had by that time). As a parent I think you are doing the right thing to down play it now. After state you need to take a serious look into what is going on with the coaching situation. That kind of coaching at this level isn't necessary or helpful, and I'm guessing that if there are 3 coaches at the gym who have the experience to train optionals, that you live in an area with options...(there are 2 coaches in a 100 mile radius of us who have the experience to train optionals well, to give you perspective). Coaches need to, like all of us, admit mistakes (which sounds like HC did) but then CHANGE behaviors!
I don't have much useful to offer, but I can't read and not comment. I am sorry they are acting like this. Your dd deserves better. I am sorry that they acted like this right before states (not that anytime would be ok). I hope your dd can find the eye of the tiger in her mind and soul and preform in spite of them. Use their "gas" to fuel her "fire". I will be thinking about her tonight!
I'd go on a major offensive push against both coaches and tell them to fix it. They have taken her joy away and replaced it with fear. Be clear that you will be finding a new gym if they can't fix this. It's just unbelievable that this could happen the week of state meet. These kids work so many hours for a short competition season and these jerks are ruining the end to her season. Insist that coach #3 be there for state, they can work out their ego trip after state about who can coach her. Tell them your only concern is your child's safety, happiness and results. If the 3rd coach will give the best results, ask why they would not want that for your child. Sometimes bullies need to be bullied back.

Oh yea and it's time to find a new gym :(

I hope your DD rises above it all but wow that is a tough hill to climb for a 4th grader.
Only advice I have is get through this without it being a big deal - they messed up, for whatever reason. She had a winning bar routine - and certainly there were things that could improve, but at her age 9.4 is great (at least in our region - 9.1 usually gets into top 3 on L7 bars....). She's at that critical L7-to L8 stage and she's at that critical heading into tweens age group. How she feels about herself and gym and coaches in general is way more important that what happens this weekend. DD spent a year trying to "not let her BHS-BHS series defeat her" so that her 9.4 on beam could maybe be a 9.5.....and even with a kind coach that type of scrutiny was terrible. Her issues started as vestibular, but the coaching mess up still led to a focus on the issue instead of the kid.

L7 bars would be fun to win....but that's about it. Doesn't count an iota in the big picture (she's already proficient at them, so what happens this weekend is "just for fun"). DD has 4 medals from L7 state last year - including AA. She still can't get herself to feel good enough about herself to run her L8 routines (which like your DD she mostly had by that time). As a parent I think you are doing the right thing to down play it now. After state you need to take a serious look into what is going on with the coaching situation. That kind of coaching at this level isn't necessary or helpful, and I'm guessing that if there are 3 coaches at the gym who have the experience to train optionals, that you live in an area with options...(there are 2 coaches in a 100 mile radius of us who have the experience to train optionals well, to give you perspective). Coaches need to, like all of us, admit mistakes (which sounds like HC did) but then CHANGE behaviors!

Thanks Gracy!
I have told my dd this and believe it: meets are like standardized tests. A snapshot of one moment. Neither accurately captures capability, determination, and talent. One moment out of like 800 hours at the gym per year!

I am going to have a sit down talk again with both coaches. Because level 8+ involves a lot of scary skills and my DD is heading into vestibular age. How are they planning on coaching? And I will remind them the team contract has two sides: expectations of girls/parents and conversely, the coaches. They have broken their side. I want guarantees this won't happen again.

Nearest really good gym (better than current gym) about 45 min away. I thought it was only 20, but it's on the far side of a big town:(
I gotta agree with gasrgoose on this one. This entire situation is a result of HC admitted error. The minute he admitted the error the onus is on him to fix it and if something as simple as bringing coach #3 to the meet fixes it, I think coach needs to suck it up and make it happen.
I don't know how you haven't gone completely ballistic. You have my utmost respect.

I can't say anything that hasn't already been said, so I just wanted to offer your DD my sincere wishes for a fantastic meet and let her know there's a whole slew of people proud of her simply for having the courage to show up.
Just hoping that your DD has a good meet tonight. You sound like a great and supportive Mom. Those Coaches.....
sorry I can't add much because I am just a mom but I am so sad for your Dd and your family...I really hope this all works out for your Dd. well wishes are being sent her way!
Since the HC's seem so focused on winning could you text them and let them know that if they want your dd to stand a shot at getting on the top of podium that they need to have C3 there for that meet? Let them know they you can spend the off season working on rebuilding their coaching relationship with her.
how sad and infuriating! what was that coach thinking??!
i'll be hoping for a positive update after the meet.
i hope she can find something to celebrate after its over even if there are challenges.
hugs to you both!
I like that idea of telling your DD she has a huge fan base in the virtual world pulling for her tonight ...... And for you as mom!
Meets are stressful enough anyway - I feel for you in your situation tonight watching this unfold. We are all pulling for you both and look forward to a positive update!

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