Level 5 State Meet Report!

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Proud Parent
Alex had her state meet yesterday and she rocked the bars!!! She tied for 1st with a 9.4!! So I guess that makes her the state champ? Of the 11B Level 5 group hehe!! She ended up with the silver medal because the girl she tied with had a higher all around score but who cares right? Here are her other scores!!
Vault 8.2
Beam 8.775
Floor 8.2

AA 34.575

I am so proud of her! And also glad that meet season is officially OVER!!
That's fantastic. I think bars is the hardest event for L5. Those kips can cause trouble for most girls. Not your DD though! Way to go!
Congrats! Hooray for a great end to the season! Is she going to do level 6 next season?

Kathy's level 5 States meet is this coming Saturday. I am looking forward to the meet, but more than that, I'm looking forward to the season being over! "Normal" life can now resume... though, since meet season was more than 5 months (and 10 meets) long, I suppose I should just accept that meet season IS "normal."
WTG to your DD. And way to go on the 11B L5 Bar Champ. She sure ended her season with a bang
Congrats! Hooray for a great end to the season! Is she going to do level 6 next season?

Not sure if she will move up or not. She has a couple of fears with skills to move up like the flyaway and BWO on beam! But she has all summer to conquer those demons!! Good luck to Kathy at her state meet!! And I agree that meet season is "normal" life for us too!!
Congratulations to Alex on a great state meet- bars and all!

She can tell her own gymmie dd one day that she was L5 bars champ ;).

Love to read these posts!
Great job bars seems to be a more difficult event. She will do fine with the flyaway once she does it a couple of times, it was not difficult for my daughter since her level 5 bars were good, she also did fine with the backwalker on beam once she tried it.
Way to go, Alex! What a great way to finish the season! Her skills on bars will help her immensely in learning the level 6 skills, they can be tricky for the ones who haven't yet developed strong kips, casts, and tap swings. I hope she has a blast learning all sorts of new stuff over the summer, she's got plenty of time to iron out those especially scary skills.

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