Parents First Lv 7 Meet

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Oct 10, 2008
Reaction score
Welllllllll, dd was VERY nervous. Her HC even said she was more nervous than she was at National testing! lol. She started on beam and fell on her bwo, bhs, but everything else was perfect. Scored 9.05. Floor, she over rotated her fhs, front pike and fell!!! 8.5. Vault was good, 8.925. Bars were great, 9.575. She won bars, beam and AA. But she knows it wasn't what her coaches expected out of her:( We are super proud of her though as we know all the tears that have been shed this week. Nxt meet will be in December. I think they are going to keep her a lvl 7 for that meet as well. Probably will move to lvl 8 in January.
Color me crazy but it sounds like she did AWESOME !! Those are great scores - over a 9.0 w/ a fall. Bars score is insane. She should be incredibly proud. First L7 meet w/ all those first place finishes. Time to go out for ice cream !! :D

Good Luck at the next meet and keep us posted on how she is doing !!
She did awesome! What do the coaches expect? That bars score is amazing for level 7.
And the poor girl cried after the meet! We just hug her and tell her she rox!
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Yea. They just expect a lot from her. They said she should have been in mid 37s but the fall on floor was a like .9 deduction in total and the beam was .5 deduct. Hopefully all the butterflies r gone now and she can really rock the nxt one! Thx for ur kind words!!!!
Wow, those are some amazing scores, over 9 with a fall on beam, I cannot imagine what she'll be like when she nails everything. Move over L7's this girl's on fire.

Tell her we think she did amazingly well. They should've just given her a 10 on bars!
Congrats to DD:applause:. She should be nothing but PROUD!!!!! I think she really rocked this one & with the butterflies out of the way....she'll hit the next one out of the park!!!! You go girl!!!!
Well, I think those are amazing scores for L7 and for her first meet at L7. Especially to have those high scores with falls. And what a bar score, OMGosh. :D

I hope she is super proud of herself and realizes that she is only human and things happen. Her coaches need to chill. LOL.
And the poor girl cried after the meet! We just hug her and tell her she rox!

Now that makes me sad :( . With results like that she should have been doing a jig !! I understand that coaches want the girls to reach their potential, but oh-my does it seem like this time they missed the boat. They should have been more supportive IMHO, those scores are fantastic and for her first L7 meet. I mean, EVERYBODY falls off beam now and then, and floor - stuff happens.

She does ROCK and I hope she really knows that.
Now that makes me sad :( . With results like that she should have been doing a jig !! I understand that coaches want the girls to reach their potential, but oh-my does it seem like this time they missed the boat. They should have been more supportive IMHO, those scores are fantastic and for her first L7 meet. I mean, EVERYBODY falls off beam now and then, and floor - stuff happens.

She does ROCK and I hope she really knows that.
I agree with you gymmomntc2e6. Most gymmies are already perfectionist that are too hard on themselves...JMHO but a coach shouldn't be feeding more of that into them. Face it the coach is the one person that the gymmie really wants to get an "attaboy" from. Doesn't it feel great when your boss tells you did a good job? I tell my DD I'm proud of her...but she tells me "your my mom of course you think I did well". These girls live & breathe to get a compliment from their coach. I know coaches don't want the gymmies to stop striving to do better...but sometimes coaches do need to just give these KIDS the positive reinforcement they crave & deserve. Dadingym your DD did wonderfully at the meet! I hope she REALLY knows & believes that. The only tears should have been tears of JOY! Best wishes to her. Can't wait to hear how the next meet goes.:)
Sounds to me like she did great.Confidence comes with expirience.
First meet of the season can be pretty tense.
Hi everyone! This is Mom talking (using Dad's login). Thank u so very much for all of ur kind words. I often wonder if I am doing right by my child... Homeschooling, TOPs, elite-track etc.... I see her cry for minor errors and my heart breaks. The balance we all must maintain between our child's drive and our loving hand seems to blur once in a while. Reading ur well wishes seems to bring things back in to perspective. I thank u very much for that. Our dd has much to be proud of and thankful for. I know that I count my blessings as I am sure u all do as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, based on her scores, and the new challenges, I'd say she was doing awesome!

Homeschool, TOP's and Elite-track, that's a whole lot of pressure, and she STILL pulled it off! I'd say you were doing great by your child. This is pressure time - and it's her first meet at L7! I can't wait to see the 2nd meet scores now that the 1st meet gitters are behind her.

Think of those tears as a good thing. She's releasing. Far better then having all the feelings bottled up. (JMHO)
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Those are some definitely some great scores for a first level 7 meet. Not sure how much more the coach can ask for than winning first AA? Tell her congrats - she did absolutely amazing.:)
Wow amazing job for her first level 7 meet;)
Wow on bars!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations and next time I bet she sticks everything:)
great bars!! I only hope my daughters score are that high when we start 7 in Dec... ;) She did an excellent job!!!! Can't wait to see her level 8 stuff.
That was just a great meet and super bars set. Don't let her ever feel that she didn't do well enough. If thats the message she's getting from her coaches, then something needs to be said. They should have been quite pleased(if not darn right thrilled) with her meet and if that wasn't communicated to her, then it should be.

Awesome start to the year!!
Thanks to everyone at the the CB. Your comments and support have been wonderful! DD was doing alot better Saturday evening after the meet, dancing and making silly skit videos with her cousins. Just takes DD a couple of hours to forget the morning's events and move on the next best thing, hangin' with family and friends! :)

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