What's your highest scores?

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I know i already posted but things have changed

Vault: 9.35 (level 7)
Bars: 8.7 (level 4)
Beam: 8.975 (pretty much as close as you can get to a 9 without getting one, level 7)
Floor: 9.225 (level 7)
All-Around: 35.525 (level 7)

Pretty much level 7 was my best season ever, which proves my coaches comment that i would be a better optional:)
Mine were

level 4
beam: 9.5
bars: 9.425
vault: 9.475
floor: 9.725
AA: 37.325

level 5
(I only competed 2 meets level 5)
bars: 8.575
vault: 9.275
floor: 9.025
AA: 35.175

level 6
(i taught myself most of the level 6 skills because i didn't have any consistent coacheing at the time!0
beam: 9.325
vault: 9.10
floor: 9.40
AA: 36.325

level 7
beam: 9.125
bars: 8.90
vault: 9.0
floor: 9.550
AA: 35.750

I think level 4 and 7 were my best years!!!!!! :)
My highest scores are:
Vault: 9.575:)
Bars: 8.9
Beam: 9.675 ( i love beam!):D
Floor: 9.45
In various levels, these are my best scores-
Vault: Got a 9.9 in level 4, but I don't think that's really a vault. 9.3 last competition season
Bars: 9.7 level 8 :D LOVE BARS!
Beam: 9.6 in level 5
Floor: 9.1 (Ohhh floor. I don't like floor)

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